Saturday, November 28, 2009

Weekly Progress Report #11

Welcome to Report #11!  First off hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  Due to the holiday, which I completely forgot about, I was unable to get the back story work done this week, but it will be top of the list for next week.

So, this week I wanted to flesh out the mall a bit but doing some work on the outer areas and putting in a few things on the inside such as a wheel chair "dispenser" thing like they have at some malls, and a bench.  I also added in a first stage section of the fountain to the larger atrium-esque area.


Some of the ribbing on the left half needs repositioning.  I also did some vertex editing on the top sections creating the hump look.  Eventually they will have a wave like effect across the entire top area.

Here are the wheel chair center and bench I was talking about earlier.  Both are just concept ideas and probably will change in later WPR's.  I will also be looking at implementing an actual wheel chair model that will fit into these.

And here is the base area for the fountain.  There will be three levels total and the top most area will have water spouts (effect created with the particle tools once I fully learn them).

That's all I have this week.  I will try and get a lot more done next week so I have some real progress to show off.

Thanks for following CI!


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