Monday, September 6, 2010

Combine Insurrection Monthly Progress Report #6

Hello all, it's that time of the month again.  MPR #6 is here and it's not all bad news.  However there was a drag on progress this month.  This was mainly due to some new classes I am taking that have large assignments due at the end of every week, I have found myself working more on them during the week and having less time for CI.

Anywho, as I said in the summery we have some progress.  Ill start off with the more complete map, the Underground Bunker map.  After reading some of the suggestions from the last two months I decided to add a bit of detail to the maps as far as the physical layout of the floor:

I raised the middle section here and moved the laser consolidation pit (kind of a corny name) more to the center of the area.  You cant really see them from this angel but each door now has some stairs built in front of them.  I am still working on the spacing, I was unable to make it through the doors and up onto the raised area due to not having enough room, so this will likely change by the next update.

Here is where the main work was done this MPR.  I hollowed out a large section of the floor here and added in stairs.  The area you see where the wall goes all the way to the lower floor will have significance in the final version of the map.

And last we have the new mall map. It has not changed much from last month.  for some reason (probably because I func_detailed it) the water vanished from the pools and caused some other interesting texture problems.  I will probably be doing more work on this map this month then on the other one as it is fairly close to being done (I would guesstimate 78% to 80% done).

I have begun to brainstorm some ideas for our HUD, if I can get our texture artist to work on anything we might have that to show off next month as well.  More info on that next update.

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