Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weekly Progress Report #12

Welcome to WPR #12!  I have seven screen shots to show you this time around and a little more progress then what has been shown in the past few WPRs.

First though let me direct your attention to the Back Story update:

I added in some basic information from the data cache that Barny brought back from NPZ while he was stationed there as well as fixed some grammatical and spelling errors.

On to the screens:

In case you were wondering how I made this; it is brush work.  I used the Vertex Scaling tool.  It will be correctly textured for next weeks WPR.

Stairs and Escalators.  Currently the escalators do not move, later on they will though.  Again, they will be finished and textured for the next WPR.

This one is just to give you a sense of the scale of the structure as a whole.

Well thats all there is this week.  Feedback is appreciated, and please take a look at the back story update and let me know what you think (I took a few more liberties with the time line/characters).

Thanks for following CI!


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